Cannot send emails: How to fix email sending issues

Sending emails is crucial for communication, making any issues particularly frustrating.
This article explores common causes of email sending failures, provides practical solutions, and shares tips to ensure successful email delivery in the future.

Emails that don’t get sent can be incredibly frustrating. If your emails aren’t making it to their destination, your communication and engagement efforts can come to a standstill

Issues concerning email sending are unfortunately pretty common, either in the daily communications or when it comes to newsletters and bulk messages. You open your favorite mail client or software (Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook Express, Emailchef…), write a few lines, insert the recipients’ addresses, click “Send” and… An error message such as Message not delivered, Failed to send email, Email failed to send is returned. Why?

While undelivered emails are a common issue, sending failures can be just as problematic. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why your emails might not be sending, provide solutions to fix these issues, and offer tips to ensure smoother email sends in the future.

Why error messages such as ‘Message not delivered’ or ‘Failed to send email’ are returned?

In simple terms, an ‘Email failed to send’ message indicates that your email couldn’t be delivered. This failure can stem from various issues, often related to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, which is responsible for sending, receiving, and transferring emails. The SMTP server uses TLS/SSL protocols to secure the connection between your email client and the mail server.

Failures in sending emails are common, especially if you manage your own SMTP server, which involves significant technical complexity and security considerations.But also the normal servers associated to a common email provider (like Gmail or Hotmail) can run into several problems as they are not monitored.

So the best choice to avoid them all is to rely on a professional SMTP Relay Server like TurboSMTP.

If my emails fail to send, how can I fix it?

Encountering issues with email delivery can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to resolve these problems. Whether you’re wondering, “How do I fix email not sending?” or looking to troubleshoot specific SMTP issues, understanding common problems and their solutions is essential. This FAQs will guide you through how to fix SMTP errors and address outgoing mail server problems.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

It might sound basic, but the first step is to ensure that you’re connected to the internet. A dropped or weak connection can prevent emails from sending.

How to solve

Verify your internet connection and confirm there are no outages in your area that could be affecting your connectivity.

2. Verify Your SMTP Server Details

Incorrect SMTP parameters are a frequent cause of email sending issues. Your email client needs the correct settings to communicate with the SMTP server.

How to solve

Double-check your SMTP server details. Refer to our comprehensive list of common SMTP settings or consult your email provider for the correct parameters.

3. Confirm Usernames and Passwords

Mistyped usernames or passwords can prevent successful authentication with your SMTP server, leading to failed email sends.

How to solve

Check your login details to ensure they are correct.

4. Check Your SMTP Server Connection

Even with the correct SMTP details, the server might be down or malfunctioning. Understanding the specific error codes returned by the SMTP server can help diagnose the issue.

How to solve

Use our list of SMTP error codes to identify the problem. This will guide you in determining if the server is down or if there are other connection issues.

5. Change Your SMTP Port

The default SMTP port (25) may be blocked by some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) due to spam concerns. Switching to an alternative port can resolve this issue.

How to solve

Try using port 587 or 465 instead of the default port 25. For more detailed information, read our article on SMTP ports.

6. Inspect Your Antivirus or Firewall Settings

Sometimes, your computer’s antivirus or firewall can block the outgoing mail server, preventing emails from being sent.

How to solve

Ensure that your firewall or antivirus is not blocking the connection. Set up proper exception rules to allow your email client to communicate with the SMTP server.

Additional Tips to Avoid Email Sending Issues

  • Regularly Update Your Software: make sure your email client and antivirus software are up to date to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Use Professional Services: consider using a professional SMTP Relay Server such as TurboSMTP, which provides better reliability and support.
  • Monitor IP Reputation: ensure your sending IP is not blacklisted. Use tools to check and improve your IP reputation.

Achieve Reliable Email Delivery with a Professional SMTP Relay Service

By following this checklist, you can systematically troubleshoot and resolve most common email sending issues.

However, if you still encounter problems, it may be time to consult a professional SMTP Relay Service such as TurboSMTP. Leveraging such a service can provide enhanced reliability, expert support, and optimized delivery to ensure your emails reach their intended recipients efficiently.


Common FAQs on emails not sending

  • Why are my emails not being sent?

    Emails may fail to send for various reasons, such as incorrect SMTP server details, mistyped usernames or passwords, internet connectivity issues, or blocked SMTP ports. Ensuring all settings are correct and checking your internet connection can help resolve these issues.

  • What does ‘Failed to send email’ mean?

    This error message indicates that your email couldn’t be delivered to the recipient. It could be due to issues with the SMTP server, incorrect login details, or a blocked connection by antivirus or firewall settings.

  • Why are my emails not sending in Gmail?

    If your emails aren’t sending in Gmail, it could be due to several factors, such as internet connectivity issues, incorrect SMTP settings, or problems with your Google account. Ensure you are connected to the internet, double-check your SMTP settings, and verify that your Google account is not experiencing any issues. If problems persist, try disabling any browser extensions or security software that might be interfering with Gmail.

  • Why is my SMTP server not sending emails?

    If your SMTP server is not sending emails, it could be due to several factors. Common issues include incorrect SMTP server details, blocked ports, server downtime, or authentication problems. Verify that your SMTP settings are correct, check if the server is operational, and ensure your login credentials are accurate. If these steps don’t resolve the issue, consider using a professional SMTP Relay Server like TurboSMTP for enhanced reliability and support.

  • Can receive emails but can’t send them?

    If you can receive emails but can’t send them, the issue is likely related to your SMTP server settings. Check to ensure your SMTP server details are correct, including the server address, port, and authentication credentials. Additionally, verify that your internet connection is stable and that your antivirus or firewall settings are not blocking the outgoing mail server. If your email is not received by others, these steps should help resolve the issue.

  • Why is my email not delivered?

    An email may not be delivered due to various reasons such as incorrect recipient addresses, server issues, or your IP address being blacklisted. Ensure that the recipient’s email address is correct, check your SMTP server settings, and verify that your IP address has not been flagged for spam. Using a professional SMTP Relay Service like TurboSMTP can help improve delivery rates and provide additional support.