Your free SMTP server for reliable and secure email delivery.

Send up to 6,000 emails per month at no cost.

Start sending emails in minutes with our free SMTP service, perfect for businesses of any size.

Get Started for Free

The best free SMTP service
that doesn’t hold you back.

APIs, SMTP Relays

Boost email deliverability at scale with our MTA (Mail Transfer Agent), designed for efficiency and reliability. Whether for transactional or marketing emails, our SMTP relays ensure messages reach inboxes swiftly and safely.

Libraries and Documentation

Access a library of ready-to-use scripts in various programming languages. Explore our API documentation to guide you through seamless integration and optimization with TurboSMTP.

Delivery Optimization Tools

Leverage custom DKIM, SPF records, and unsubscribe management to boost email deliverability. Our tools are designed to help maintain a strong sender reputation and reduce bounce rates.

Email validation

Upload your list, and let TurboSMTP validate it by removing invalid addresses. This boosts deliverability and protects your sender reputation by reducing bounces and spam complaints.

Sign Up Now

Free SMTP server with full GDPR compliance for your data protection.

At TurboSMTP, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data.
Our services are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that your email communications meet the highest standards of data protection.

Data Security:

we implement robust encryption protocols to safeguard your email data at all stages of transmission.

User Consent:

we support mechanisms that help you obtain and manage user consent, in accordance with GDPR requirements.

Right to Be Forgotten:

easily manage and fulfill data deletion requests to ensure compliance with the right to be forgotten.

Transparent Data Processing:

clear and transparent practices for data collection, storage, and processing, with full access for audits and reporting.

How We Handle GDPR

Frequently asked questions about free SMTP servers.

  1. What is a free SMTP server and how does it work?

    A free SMTP server allows you to send emails without incurring costs. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to send emails from a client to a server and between servers. Our free SMTP server provides essential email delivery functions and comes with a monthly sending limit.

  2. Are free SMTP servers reliable for sending bulk emails?

    Free SMTP servers can handle bulk emails, but they may come with limitations such as sending caps and fewer features compared to paid services. For large-scale email campaigns, a paid SMTP service might offer better deliverability and additional features.

  3. What are the limitations of using a free SMTP server?

    Free SMTP servers often have limitations such as a lower monthly email quota, basic reporting features, and less priority support. They may also have restrictions on email delivery speed and advanced features.

  4. How can I set up a free SMTP server for my website?

    To set up a free SMTP server, you need to sign up for the service, configure the SMTP settings in your email client or application, and integrate the server with your website. For detailed setup instructions specific to TurboSMTP, please refer to our SMTP Configuration Guide.

  5. What are the best free SMTP servers available?

    Some of the best free SMTP servers include TurboSMTP, Mailgun, and Sendinblue. Each offers different features and limitations, so it’s important to compare them based on your needs.

  6. Is it safe to use a free SMTP server for transactional emails?

    Using a free SMTP server for transactional emails is generally safe if the service provider ensures robust security and compliance with data protection regulations. However, for higher security and reliability, you may want to consider a paid plan.

  7. Can I use a free SMTP server with my existing email client?

    Yes, you can use a free SMTP server with most email clients by configuring the SMTP settings in your client’s account settings.

  8. How do I choose the best free SMTP server for my business?

    When choosing a free SMTP server, consider factors such as the email sending limit, reliability, ease of setup, support options, and compliance with data protection regulations.
    TurboSMTP offers a reliable free SMTP plan with easy setup, generous email limits, and GDPR compliance. Evaluate your needs and compare TurboSMTP with other options to find the best fit for your business.

  9. What is the difference between free and paid SMTP servers?

    Free SMTP servers generally offer basic features and lower email limits, while paid SMTP servers provide advanced functionalities such as higher sending limits, detailed analytics, priority support, and additional security features.

  10. How can I troubleshoot issues with my free SMTP server?

    If you encounter issues with your free SMTP server, check common problems such as incorrect SMTP settings, email quota limits, and server status. Consult the service provider’s support documentation or contact their support team for assistance.
    For users of TurboSMTP, detailed guides are available to help you resolve issues. Additionally, while free plans may have limited support, TurboSMTP’s paid plans come with 24/7 customer support to address any problems as soon as they arise.

Need reliable and secure Email Delivery?

Experience the ease and security of TurboSMTP.
Start your free trial today and send up to 6,000 emails per month.

No credit card is required.