SMTP servers

Email Tracking: How to Know If Someone Read Your Email

Email Tracking: How to Know If Someone Read Your Email

Email tracking, of which real-time click and open tracking is the core, is a hugely useful tool for high-profile written communications. It can even show you in real time whether recipients have opened and read the messages and clicked on any of its links. I know my boss. His habits have never changed. He spends …

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Why Hotmail’s SMTP Servers Aren’t for You

Why Hotmail’s SMTP Servers Aren’t for You We know that Gmail’s SMTP server isn’t a great choice for email marketers. Its limit of 500 readers, its willingness to close accounts for a day that breach that limit, and its display of a free email system used by businesses all make it unreliable, clunky and unprofessional. …

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The Limits of Gmail’s SMTP Servers

The Limits of Gmail’s SMTP Servers Sending your email newsletters through Gmail should be easy. Google’s free email service can function as your SMTP client: add the SMTP details to Sendblaster by using as the “outgoing (SMTP) server,” check “use authentication,” and choose 587 and 465 as the ports for TLS/STARTLS and SSL respectively. …

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