Sending email in Python using Smtp API

Experience a breakthrough in your development process with TurboSMTP's Email API. Achieve swift integration and instant email dispatch. Our API, compatible with any Python application, streamlines large-scale email sending with easy-to-follow documentation.

Sending email in Python using Smtp API

Email API for Python Developers

TurboSMTP's Email API simplifies the integration of email functionalities into your Python applications. Featuring a user-friendly API, smooth integration, and detailed documentation, it enables you to efficiently scale your email delivery, from a couple of emails to millions. Below, you'll find straightforward examples demonstrating the integration of our APIs with Python applications.

import http.client
import json

# setup credentials.
consumerKey = '<CONSUMER_KEY>'
consumerSecret = '<CONSUMER_SECRET>'

# setup body.
data = {
    'from': '',
    'to': ',',
    'subject': 'New live training session',
    'cc': '',
    'bcc': '',
    'content': 'Dear partner,\nWe are delighted to invite you to an exclusive training session on UX Design. This session is designed to provide essential insights and practical strategies to enhance your skills.',
    'html_content': 'Dear partner, <br>We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive training session on <strong>UX Design</strong>. This session is designed to provide essential insights and practical strategies to enhance your skills.'

# convert body to json.
data_json = json.dumps(data)

# setup headers
headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Consumerkey': consumerKey,
        'Consumersecret': consumerSecret,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

# Setup URL and endpoint
url = ''
endpoint = '/api/v2/mail/send'

# Create HTTP connection.
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(url)

# Perform POST request.
    conn.request('POST', endpoint, body=data_json, headers=headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()

    # Read Server response.
    response_data ='utf-8')

    # Close connection.
except http.client.HTTPException as e:
    # Handle HTTP errors
    print('Error on HTTP request:', e)
except ConnectionError as e:
    # Handle Connection errors
    print('Error on HTTP connection:', e)

Send Emails Using Your Favorite Coding Language

Our APIs offer developers the flexibility to effortlessly integrate email solutions using their preferred programming languages. Whether you're skilled in Python, cURL, Ruby, or any other popular coding language, our comprehensive API support has you covered.

TurboSMTP Service Highlights

Here are four compelling reasons to choose TurboSMTP's service: unparalleled email delivery, data-driven insights through analytics, robust privacy and security, and dedicated 24/7 support for a worry-free email experience.

Powerful Infrastructure for High Email Deliverability

Our infrastructure scales for mass email distribution, offering SMTP and API integration, with TurboSMTP ensuring fast, effective communication.

Refine Outreach with Email Metrics & Analytics

TurboSMTP's tools provide insights on email performance, helping optimize campaigns for better engagement, conversions, and ROI through data-driven strategies.

Email Privacy and Security: Fundamental Values

Our email service prioritizes privacy and security, using advanced encryption and strict privacy law adherence to protect your data and communications.

Support at Your Service Whenever You Want

TurboSMTP provides 24/7 collaborative support with a dedicated team, ensuring a smooth, worry-free email experience and reliable assistance at every step.

Get Started with TurboSMTP Email API

Just follow these three simple steps to seamlessly integrate TurboSMTP into your Python application.

Sign up for a free account and get 10,000 free emails per month.

Retrieve your API key from your dashboard.

Follow our API documentation to start your integration.