32. How can I get notified of my bounce?
It’s easy: from your Dashboard, click on “Settings” and then “Global Settings”...
... then deflag “Suppress bounce”.
If you aren’t receiving any bounce notification, try to check your Dashboard, clicking on “Report” and selecting “bounce”.
If you’re sure that the account that produced the error is correct, you can select that email account from your bounce report and put it back among the active contacts: you just have to select it and click on “Cancel selected”. Shipping to that account(s) will be possible again.
Lees ook
13. Do you offer a Free Trial?
(Bekeken: 222717)
13. Do you offer a Free Trial? (Bekeken: 222717)
Hoeveel emails kan ik versturen per dag? Wat is de maximale grootte van mijn bijlagen? (Bekeken: 450952)
8. How can I cancel the auto-renewal of my plan?
(Bekeken: 210964)
8. How can I cancel the auto-renewal of my plan? (Bekeken: 210964)
11. Can I send a PDF attached to my newsletter with turboSMTP?
(Bekeken: 196297)
11. Can I send a PDF attached to my newsletter with turboSMTP? (Bekeken: 196297)
31. How can I submit a support ticket?
(Bekeken: 159147)
31. How can I submit a support ticket? (Bekeken: 159147)