Bluewin SMTP configuration

It’s very easy to set up Bluewin’s SMTP server to send emails from your mail client or software (Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, SendBlaster etc.): as for any other outgoing server configuration, you simply need to enter the SMTP settings and it’s done. Simple as that.

So first of all open the configuration window:

and enter the following Bluewin’s SMTP details:

  • Bluewin SMTP server name:
  • Bluewin SMTP username: your Bluewin email address
  • Bluewin SMTP password: your Bluewin password
  • Bluewin SMTP port: 25 or 465

Now you’re ready to deliver your emails. Then you can choose your security and authentication options: for further information please check our article about SMTP configuration.

Remember however that if you intend to plan an email campaign or to send a bulk email you shouldn’t opt for Bluewin’s own SMTP server. In fact, like any other free SMTP provider – AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. – Bluewin sets a limit to the number of people you can send the same email to (in order to deter spammers).

Moreover, it is not designed to guarantee the highest delivery rate and can run into deliverability issues: so a certain quantity of your messages will be simply get lost without you even knowing.

That is why we highly recommend a professional SMTP service that with a very reasonable fee, completely suitable according to your mailing needs, will make you deliver unlimited emails with no worries.