How to Set Up Email Authentication

Become a reliable and secure sender

Email authentication, better known as domain authentication or domain whitelabel, is the process that allows ISPs to safely identify the real origin of an email to prevent phishing and spoofing. It is an important procedure that will allow you to reduce the chances that servers see your messages as spam and prevent recipients from reading them.

Setting up email domain authentication is not mandatory, but considering its ease of integration and the advantages, it is highly recommended. You just need to create some additional DNS records in your domain settings:


DKIM / DomainKeys

DKIM (an acronym for DomainKeys Identified Mail) is a public key that certifies the email.

The DKIM record protects the email header and body from cryptography. The technique inserts public keys relating to hosts allowed to send messages within a DNS record relating to the domain you want to protect. When ISPs receive a message, they will be able to use the key to verify its authenticity.

How to configure the DKIM for turboExecutive

The configuration for turboExecutive involves the creation of a TXT-type records for the subdomain “turbo-smtp._domainkey” as shown below:

  • Domain

  • Value
    k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDT3MWLni6so1q9eQggRYBCLHFjohZkCnYHH8gZNDBm6zRrodRVpWpJQW7x3cWWiuBhS1X0IfBB80l5tqFa+yc+mVgnk8tkUzOHFbPQPp4fi7egTpMtsQW/ZMrxw73SItNvPr72qvJTYZNPxarMx+ULjEWybcfEdXHPY8jslGcpCwIDAQAB



SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework. It is responsible for identifying which IP addresses to enable in order to send mail on behalf of our domain.

SPF includes a list of hosts that are allowed to send. When ISPs receive a message, they compare the sender’s address with the list of hosts allowed for that domain.

How to Configure the SPF for turboExecutive

To configure an SPF for turboExecutive, you’ll need to create a TXT type record to add to your domain, as shown in the 2 cases below::

  1. If the SPF record has already been placed in your domain, edit the record by adding after the string v=spf1Note: Don’t forget to type a space before and after the additions.
  2. If there is no SPF, simply create one and enter the details as a TXT DNS record:
    v=spf1 a mx ?all


How to set up the Domain Authentication on turboSMTP

To guarantee an optimum delivery rate and prevent your emails from ending up in spam, after having set the DNS records as shown before, you have to activate the Domain Authentication mode in your turboSMTP account. Here are the simple steps to follow:

  • Log in to your turboMSTP account
  • From the main menu select Settings.
    How to set up the Domain Authentication on turboSMTP
  • In the DNS Records box, click the Edit button.
    How to set up the Domain Authentication on turboSMTP
  • Then click on the gray switch labeled Disabled.
    How to set up the Domain Authentication on turboSMTP
  • Wait for the confirmation message, the switch will turn green and its label will change to Enabled.
    How to set up the Domain Authentication on turboSMTP