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General Statistics

Under the chart you will find a quick recap of all the values tracked by turboSMTP, which are reported graphically in different colors. So you can get in a glimpse the impact (and the ratio) of delivered emails, opened emails etc. on your total mailing. Here's the detailed explanation of every value:
Total: the total number of sent emails.
Queued: the number of emails that are currently in queue. That is, the messages that are still transiting to the recipient's incoming server, but are temporarily delayed to be delivered. It's a bit like a car queue: normally it needs only a little time to move.
Delivered: the number of emails that have been correctly delivered to the intended recipients.
Opened: the number of email openings. It's an essential information to understand whether your subject line is catchy enough, and to measure the actual engagement of your users.
Clicked: if you have put a link on your email, this is the number of times it has been clicked. A vital metric to verify the effectiveness of your call to action.
Unsub: the number of people who have unsuscribed from your list during the selected period. If it's too high, maybe you have to change your communication style.
Spam: how many times your users have labeled your email as junk mail (spam complaint).
Bounced: the number of emails that have been rejected by the incoming servers because of wrong addresses in the lists. Keep accurate track of them and cleanse your database eliminating any fake or misspelled accounts.
These metrics will be a huge help to understand the efficiency of your email campaign and to get fresh data about what to modify in case of not satisfying results.
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