

DKIM stands for Domain Keys Identification Mail and is an email authentication service: simply put, it prevents people to fake their identities analyzing the domain part of the sending address, and verifying whether a message comes from the claimed source or not.

You have probably receveid lots of messages that pretended to be sent from your bank or from a Post Office – when they were phishing instead. This is why many incoming servers have strict antispam rules, that may unfortunately reject also legitimate communications. DKIM is designed right to avoid that, giving a digital signature that proofs your identity.

So, by activating our DKIM your emails will be certified by turboSMTP and will avoid even the strictest antispam filters, enhancing your global delivery rate.

To enable it (which is highly recommended to make the most of turboSMTP), you must enter your domain's cPanel and add some code to your domain's DNS: so if you're not a skilled user please pay attention. You can also send a request by email to your own provider and ask him to do it for you.

The process is twofold. First this text record to the domain of the envelope address:

v=spf1 ?all

Then add these two records to the subdomains "turbo-smtp._domainkey" and "": 



k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDT3MWLni6so1q9eQggRYBCLHFjohZkCnYHH8gZNDBm6zRrodRVpWpJQW7x3cWWiuBhS1X0IfBB80l5tqFa+yc+mVgnk8tkUzOHFbPQPp4fi7egTpMtsQW/ZMrxw73SItNvPr72qvJTYZNPxarMx+ULjEWybcfEdXHPY8jslGcpCwIDAQAB

k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDT3MWLni6so1q9eQggRYBCLHFjohZkCnYHH8gZNDBm6zRrodRVpWpJQW7x3cWWiuBhS1X0IfBB80l5tqFa+yc+mVgnk8tkUzOHFbPQPp4fi7egTpMtsQW/ZMrxw73SItNvPr72qvJTYZNPxarMx+ULjEWybcfEdXHPY8jslGcpCwIDAQAB

The DKIM Tool cannot be disabled.

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