31. How can I submit a support ticket?
There's two way to submit a ticket to get support from our staff.
1. From your Dashboard click on the orange button “Go to Client Area Dashboard”; click on “Submit Ticket” below your active subscriptions and you can choose your ticket topic.
2. From your Dashboard click on the orange button “Go to Client Area Dashboard”; click on “Tickets” on the menù (second from ther right). You'll get to the “My Support Tickets” page, here click on “Submit Ticket” and you can choose your ticket topic.
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1. Why my emails are going to the spam folder?
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1. Why my emails are going to the spam folder? (Bekeken: 526259)
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Kan ik turboSMTP gebruiken als ik op reis / in een ander land ben? (Bekeken: 548376)
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25. I cannot configure the DNS of my domain. How can I do?
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25. I cannot configure the DNS of my domain. How can I do? (Bekeken: 349824)