36. How can I change my password?
You can reset your account password in the following few steps:
Log in to your dashboard here: https://dashboard.serversmtp.com/login
Once logged, click on the orange button on the right side of the screen “Go to client area”
Now click on “My Details” under the “Account” menu
and choose the “Change password” menu item
After filled all the required fields, click on “Save Changes” button and your new password will be immediately updated.
The following page will allow you to verify that the new password has been succesfully set, by logging again into your client area.
Log in to your dashboard here: https://dashboard.serversmtp.com/login
Once logged, click on the orange button on the right side of the screen “Go to client area”
Now click on “My Details” under the “Account” menu
and choose the “Change password” menu item
After filled all the required fields, click on “Save Changes” button and your new password will be immediately updated.
The following page will allow you to verify that the new password has been succesfully set, by logging again into your client area.
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