Bilgi Merkezi

10. Can I pay via wire transfer?

Sure you can. And it's extremely easy:

1. Start the normal purchase procedure, specifying that you're going to pay with a credit card. (Don't worry, you will change the option later on in our payment gateway).

wire transfer

2. Go on finalizing the procedure: once you are transferred to Avangate, select the third button "Wire Transfer".

3. You will then get the instructions about how to proceed. Remember that being a wire transfer, the payment will not be processed immediately: hence to get your turboSMTP new credit you must wait around 3 days (it's what it normally takes a bank to process the operation).

Also Read

turboSMTP nedir? (Görüntülenme: 572869)
turboSMTP nedir? (Görüntülenme: 572869)
29. Terms and Conditions (Görüntülenme: 465627)
29. Terms and Conditions (Görüntülenme: 465627)

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