Bilgi Merkezi

Do I have to agree to your Terms of Service?

Yes. You must agree to our affiliate Terms of Service.

Signing up to our affiliate program (in the Avangate website) constitutes your agreement to abide by our Terms of Service. You can view our Terms of Service here.

Also Read

What kind of promotion is prohibited? (Görüntülenme: 151257)
What kind of promotion is prohibited? (Görüntülenme: 151257)
What is your commission rate? (Görüntülenme: 151014)
What is your commission rate? (Görüntülenme: 151014)
Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions (Görüntülenme: 149761)
Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions (Görüntülenme: 149761)

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Bu cevap yeterince yardımcı oldu mu?

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