20. Is the Free Trial automatically activated to all new accounts?
All new accounts eligible for the Free Service are reviewed by our staff. You will receive an email notification once your activation is complete.
Läs även
12. Do I need a Credit Card to activate a Free Trial?
(Visningar: 293584)
12. Do I need a Credit Card to activate a Free Trial? (Visningar: 293584)
31. How can I submit a support ticket?
(Visningar: 240242)
31. How can I submit a support ticket? (Visningar: 240242)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce?
(Visningar: 236923)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce? (Visningar: 236923)
19. Privacy Policy
(Visningar: 465673)
19. Privacy Policy (Visningar: 465673)
Hur många e-poster kan jag skicka per dag? Vad är maximistorleken på bifogade filer? (Visningar: 571400)