13. Do you offer a Free Trial?
Yes, all new registered users will be able to send 6.000 emails per month for free (with a maximum rate of 200 emails per day), with no purchase obligation. This credit will expire after 1 year.
Läs även
9. Why is turboSMTP still using the free emails even if I bought a paid plan?
(Visningar: 225422)
9. Why is turboSMTP still using the free emails even if I bought a paid plan? (Visningar: 225422)
31. How can I submit a support ticket?
(Visningar: 227977)
31. How can I submit a support ticket? (Visningar: 227977)
Vilka betalningsmedel godkänner ni?
(Visningar: 23089327)
Vilka betalningsmedel godkänner ni? (Visningar: 23089327)
Texten ”user = @ user.com turbo-smtp.com; On behalf of; <user@userdomain.com>”, syns i mottagarens avsändarfält. Vad betyder det? (Visningar: 498356)
36. How can I change my password?
(Visningar: 226345)
36. How can I change my password? (Visningar: 226345)