Base de Conhecimento

A Base de Conhecimento é organizada por categorias. Seleccione uma categoria em baixo ou pesquise a Base de Conhecimento para resposta às suas questões.


Edit your sub accounts

Once you have set your sub accounts, you can always change their settings with a few clicks. As you can see, you have a complete control over every...
Visualizações: 40614

How to create a sub account

1. Purchase the type of plan that you want to resell, choosing among our offers. 2. Create a new sub account filling the required fields with your...
Visualizações: 41065

Resell or share the turboSMTP experience

Want to buy a quantity of emails and resell them at the price you decide? Want to offer your customers the whole turboSMTP service fully...
Visualizações: 40560

Want to start an affiliation?

Selling emails via sub accounts is not a partnership with turboSMTP, as you remain your own clients' direct and unique referent.However, if...
Visualizações: 39566

What it looks like

The sub user will have access to a page that looks almost like the original turboSMTP dashboard, but without our brand (which is replaced by yours,...
Visualizações: 40287

Why create sub accounts

The sub account deal is open to any turboSMTP user, but is particularly oriented towards communication agencies and host providers that want to...
Visualizações: 40937

Edit your sub accounts
Once you have set your sub accounts, you can always change their settings with a few clicks. As...
Visualizações: 40614
How to create a sub account
1. Purchase the type of plan that you want to resell, choosing among our offers. 2. Create a new...
Visualizações: 41065
Resell or share the turboSMTP experience
Want to buy a quantity of emails and resell them at the price you decide? Want to offer your...
Visualizações: 40560
Want to start an affiliation?
Selling emails via sub accounts is not a partnership with turboSMTP, as you remain your own...
Visualizações: 39566
What it looks like
The sub user will have access to a page that looks almost like the original turboSMTP dashboard,...
Visualizações: 40287
Why create sub accounts
The sub account deal is open to any turboSMTP user, but is particularly oriented towards...
Visualizações: 40937