Base de Conhecimento

IP settings

IP (Internet Protocols) addresses are unique numbers assigned to any device that connects to the internet. Any SMTP server delivers emails using a particular IP: but free outgoing servers rely on non-monitored addresses that can be also shared by spammers and so lower your deliverability. That is why turboSMTP uses only secured IPs that guarantee the highest delivery rate.

In this page you can set your sub accounters' IPs and also order a new, completely dedicated IP to make your mailing even safer.

IP: the number of the IP address.
Type: if it's a dedicated IP or a shared one.
Sub accounter: your sub accounter's name (if the IP is relative to a sub account; if it's yours, the field will be left blank).
Reputation: this bar shows the reputation rate of your IP. That is, its validity in front of internet providers as a source of legitimate emails. If the reputation is low, your deliverability is harmed: generally it means that you're sending bulk emails without permission (absolutely forbidden!) or that you are not taking care of some design and content details (e.g. subject lines with spammy words, too large images etc.). To get a quick overview of the best practices you should follow, please read our guide about how to deliver all your emails.

Leia também

Language settings (Visualizações: 42227)
Language settings (Visualizações: 42227)
SMTP Settings (Visualizações: 54214)
SMTP Settings (Visualizações: 54214)
Sub account White Label settings (Visualizações: 45249)
Sub account White Label settings (Visualizações: 45249)
Alert settings (Visualizações: 46463)
Alert settings (Visualizações: 46463)

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