Baza wiedzy
12. Do I need a Credit Card to activate a Free Trial?
No, our Free Service (6.000 emails/month for a year) can be quickly activated without any credit card details or payment info. We are happy to provide you something more than a simple trial: this service is actually a free SMTP server with no expiration.
To get started you just need to sign up and follow the instructions you get by email.
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Mój ISP blokuje wiadomości wychodzące na porcie 25. Co mogę zrobić?
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Mój ISP blokuje wiadomości wychodzące na porcie 25. Co mogę zrobić? (Widoki: 23562610)
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1. Why my emails are going to the spam folder? (Widoki: 539656)
11. Can I send a PDF attached to my newsletter with turboSMTP?
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11. Can I send a PDF attached to my newsletter with turboSMTP? (Widoki: 319755)
34. Can I use as a sender a different email address from the one I subscribed with? (Widoki: 257822)