Base de connaissances

La base de connaissances est divisée en différentes catégories. Choisissez une catégorie ou rechercher une réponse à votre question dans cette base de connaissances.



The BCCS tool is an effective way to keep track of any email you send out. Enabling this option you will receive automatically a copy of all...
Vu: 47849

Click tracking

Keeping track of the clicks on your email's links is essential to measure your users' interaction. With our tool you will get this...
Vu: 47540


DKIM stands for Domain Keys Identification Mail and is an email authentication service: simply put, it prevents people to fake their identities...
Vu: 50281

Open tracking

What is the open rate of your emails? And who exactly opened them? This metric is clearly essential to understand the efficiency of an email...
Vu: 46510


This tool allows you to add some design parts to your email body, at the beginning and at the end. It can be a huge help for email design: for...
Vu: 47141

Ajouter un lien de désabonnement

Mettre un lien de désabonnement dans votre pied de page permet de rendere simple le processus de désincription de votre liste:...
Vu: 64616

The BCCS tool is an effective way to keep track of any email you send out. Enabling this option...
Vu: 47849
Click tracking
Keeping track of the clicks on your email's links is essential to measure your users'...
Vu: 47540
DKIM stands for Domain Keys Identification Mail and is an email authentication service: simply...
Vu: 50281
Open tracking
What is the open rate of your emails? And who exactly opened them? This metric is clearly...
Vu: 46510
This tool allows you to add some design parts to your email body, at the beginning and at the...
Vu: 47141
Ajouter un lien de désabonnement
Mettre un lien de désabonnement dans votre pied de page permet de rendere simple le...
Vu: 64616