Γνωσιακή Βάση
20. Is the Free Trial automatically activated to all new accounts?
All new accounts eligible for the Free Service are reviewed by our staff. You will receive an email notification once your activation is complete.
Διαβάστε Επίσης
6. Is the email address with which I signed up the only one that I can use as a sender? (Προβολές: 283916)
34. Can I use as a sender a different email address from the one I subscribed with? (Προβολές: 252606)
35. Why my free account has been closed?
(Προβολές: 249595)
35. Why my free account has been closed? (Προβολές: 249595)
33. Can I use turboSMTP with Outlook or Thunderbird and send a mass email via CC/BCC? (Προβολές: 247084)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce?
(Προβολές: 253431)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce? (Προβολές: 253431)