Γνωσιακή Βάση

4. What is a "dropped" email?

dropped emails

When an email account to which you're sending produces a bounce (most of the times, because it's non-existent), our system puts it automatically in the "bounce report" folder.

Hence, all future emails addressed to this account (and all others which has produced a similar error) won't be actually sent - and labeled as "dropped" by our system.

This happens because keeping on sending to non-existent addresses is utterly useless, and harms both your delivery rate and our servers.

That said, if you need to deliver anyway your message to a dropped account (for instance because it's existent and it's been dropped because of a temporary issue), you can do that simply erasing it from the bounce report.

Διαβάστε Επίσης

31. How can I submit a support ticket? (Προβολές: 147999)
31. How can I submit a support ticket? (Προβολές: 147999)
19. Privacy Policy (Προβολές: 374505)
19. Privacy Policy (Προβολές: 374505)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce? (Προβολές: 146002)
32. How can I get notified of my bounce? (Προβολές: 146002)
35. Why my free account has been closed? (Προβολές: 146845)
35. Why my free account has been closed? (Προβολές: 146845)

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