база знания

Библиотеката със знания е организиране в различни категории. Или изберете категории от по-долу или потърсете в БЗ за да намерите отговори на запитването си.



This part gives you the detailed status of any single sent emails, also in real-time. Recipient by recipient, you will be able to track accurately...
Прегледи: 43531

General Statistics

Here you find the complete stats about your mailings, with all the interactions that your recipients have made, and updated in real time. Under...
Прегледи: 40676

Google Analytics

turboSMTP allows you to quickly integrate the popular web analysis service Google Analytics into your email campaigns. To track clicks, openings,...
Прегледи: 26499

Open/click analytics

This page displays some advanced metrics about openings and clicks that will help you understand better how your emails are performing, and how...
Прегледи: 41189

This part gives you the detailed status of any single sent emails, also in real-time. Recipient...
Прегледи: 43531
General Statistics
Here you find the complete stats about your mailings, with all the interactions that your...
Прегледи: 40676
Google Analytics
turboSMTP allows you to quickly integrate the popular web analysis service Google Analytics into...
Прегледи: 26499
Open/click analytics
This page displays some advanced metrics about openings and clicks that will help you understand...
Прегледи: 41189