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Open/click analytics

This page displays some advanced metrics about openings and clicks that will help you understand better how your emails are performing, and how your users are interacting with them.

Average First open delay: the average time between the receipt and the opening of every sent email. This information is helpful to determine if you’re mailing timing is right or can be adjusted. For instance, if the delay is quite long – 5/6 hours – it may mean that you're sending while your customers are unavailable (sleeping, away…). The optimal delay should be less than 1 hour for targeted recipients.

Average opens per mail: the average number of openings made by a single recipient. If the number >1 it means that your email has been re-read.

Average clicking delay: the average time between the opening and the click in the mail. If you put a link in your email, this metric will make you understand if your call to action is really compelling. In general, the shorter is the delay, the more visible and appealing is the link.

Top user agents: it details in a handy pie chart the types of tool that your users have used to read the emails.

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Google Analytics (Прегледи: 27111)
Google Analytics (Прегледи: 27111)
General Statistics (Прегледи: 42221)
General Statistics (Прегледи: 42221)
Emails (Прегледи: 44907)
Emails (Прегледи: 44907)

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